How To Plant Roses In Winter - May to August
- Prepare hole by digging slightly deeper and wider than the bag.
- Hold rose over hole and pull rose out of bag letting the potting mix fall into the hole.
- Mound the potting mix and place rose on top lightly spreading the roots evenly around the mound.
- The crown of the rose (where the branches grow from) should be level with or slightly above the ground level.
- Fill the hole in with soil and water well.

How To Plant Roses In Summer - December to March
- Prepare hole by digging as deep but slightly wider than the black bag the rose is in.
- Using a sharp knife or secateurs, cut around the bottom of the bag and peel the bottom of the bag completely off.
- Place the rose in the hole with bag still in place.
- The crown of the rose (where the branches grow from) should be level with or slightly above the ground level.
- Slice up the side of the bag with the kife and gently remove the bag from the hole.
- Fill in the hole, firm the soil down and water well.
- With sandy soils that lose moisture quickly, we recommend you create a moate around the base of the rose that will puddle the water around the rootball where it is needed and not run off else where. Once the roses has established the moat can be smoothed out.