English Rose Names
South Pacific Roses is proud to be a grower of a wide range of popular roses including those early varieties bred by the English rose breeder David Austin.
However, David Austin Roses® in the Uk have decided to place a registered Trademark on some of these rose names.
This means that as an independent rose grower we are unable to label the roses by their popular names.
So instead we use the international denomination of the rose. This usually begins with the letters AUS meaning Austin and ending with a descriptive name like “Blush” or “Gold”.
Although this is not an ideal situation the alternative is the rose variety lost forever and not being grown at all.
In the interests of minimising confusion the rose varieties in question are:
Ausblush with the common name Heritage®.
Ausbrass with the common name The Lady Gardiner®
Ausbord with the common name Gertrude Jeckyl®.
Auscot with the common name Abraham Darby®.
Ausglobe with the common name Brother Cadfael®.
Auskindling with the common name Desdemona®
Ausmary with the common name Mary Rose®.
Ausmas with the common name Graham Thomas®.
Ausmixture with the common name Olivia Rose Austin®.
Ausmol with the common name Molineux®
Ausowlish with the common name Roald Dahl®
Auscrimson with the common name L.D. Braithwaite®.
Ausgold with the common name Golden Celebration®.
AusWonder With the common name Ambridge Rose®.